Itinerary Essentials

A recap from OAK Nights, January 2020

Each month, The Outdoor Adventure Kind hosts a live event for local members of the community focused on outdoor education and inspiration. January’s OAK Nights was all about Itinerary Essentials – components that lead to a successful outdoor adventure. Creating a solid itinerary isn’t just for you, the adventurer, but also for those who are waiting to be sure you arrive safely back home, too!

Essential Components

There are five essential components, or categories, for an adventure itinerary:
1. Route – Where you’re going & how you’ll get there
2. Conditions – Weather & trail considerations
3. Gear List – What to carry & what you’re wearing
4. Schedule – When you’ll leave & when you’ll return
5. Contacts – Personal & emergency contacts

By focusing on these five components, an itinerary will be sure to include all of the information needed to safely & successfully experience an adventure, to be prepared for unexpected emergencies that may arise, and to reassure both yourself and those at home that you’re prepared before you ever head out the door. Having all of this information captured in a single place makes it easy to revisit favorite adventures in the future, too, as much of the research will already be done and you will just need to check for changes in the area.

Itinerary Essentials Presentation

For the first time, I did a live stream of OAK Nights for members of the community who weren’t able to join us in person. Catch the full presentation here! I’ll be sending out a PDF with the steps & an itinerary template with the January newsletter, so be sure to sign up and get your copies. (Watching after January? Drop me a note here.) Also, be sure to let me know if you think I should keep doing these live streams each month.